Ways To Find The Cause Of ED And The Treatments Available

If you have recently found yourself struggling with the all too common problem of erectile dysfunction (ED), you are not alone in your struggle. Many men have these issues at some point in their life. The good news is that there are numerous different treatment options to help you deal with those issues. Get to know some of the ways that you can determine the possible causes of your erectile dysfunction as well as the treatments available to you. Then, you can be sure you are taking the necessary steps to deal with these issues and get yourself back to normal as soon as possible. 

Get Blood Tests Run

One of the possible causes of your erectile dysfunction is a hormonal imbalance. If you have lower than normal levels of testosterone in your blood, your body may be unable to produce an erection as a result. Low levels of testosterone can also cause other health issues including the loss of bone density, low blood counts, reduced muscle mass, and fatigue, among many others. 

Having blood tests run can help to determine what your testosterone levels are and whether you need treatment for low testosterone. Treatment for low testosterone levels involves androgen replacement therapy. When you receive this therapy, you will be replacing the missing testosterone in your system through the use of skin creams, injections, skin patches, or other methods. 

Blood tests can also rule out other potential causes for your erectile dysfunction, including heart disease. If your circulation is poor due to cardiovascular issues, this can adversely affect your ability to achieve an erection. 

See a Psychologist

Sometimes, the causes of erectile dysfunction are not entirely physical. There are numerous potential mental health causes to erectile dysfunction issues. High levels of stress, for example, can leave the mind and body both so fatigued that it simply cannot function properly. Depression and anxiety can cause similar issues and can simply leave you unable to perform, even if you really want to do so. 

Seeing a psychologist can help to determine whether your ED is related to stress or other mental health issues. If it turns out that there may be some psychological factors involved, the psychologist can also help you manage those problems and overcome them. As such, seeing a psychologist helps you to both get a diagnosis and treatment. 

Ask Your Doctor About ED Medication 

If you have ruled out testosterone-related issues and psychological issues for your erectile dysfunction issues, you may want to schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options for ED medication. There are several prescription drugs out there that can help you achieve an erection. These include Cialis, Viagra, and more.

It is important that you seek testing and treatment for other possible causes of your ED issues before you seek out ED medication. If you have an undiagnosed heart condition, for example, ED medications could be dangerous. It is better to rule out heart disease and other cardiovascular issues first and then try medications for ED. 

Now that you know more about the possible causes of ED as well as the steps you can take to treat the condition, you can contact your doctor for help as soon as possible. 

538 Words

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Treating Osteoarthritis Pain Is your knee stiff and painful every morning when you get out of bed? Perhaps, you sometimes feel a grinding sensation in your knee. If you can relate to this frustrating situation, you might be suffering from osteoarthritis. Thankfully, several treatments are available for this joint condition. Sometimes, physicians recommend patients battling osteoarthritis of the knee take a prescription painkiller. Doctors also often encourage patients to lose weight and start a low-impact exercise program. Swimming and walking are both great forms of low-impact exercise. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to effectively and quickly relieve the painful symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee. Enjoy!




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