Whether you are just starting to think about getting a facelift, or you already have your surgery date, you will want to think about the things that you can expect after coming home from this procedure. This way, you will be able to prepare for all of it properly. Some of the things that you can expect during your recovery process at home include the following.
You Will Want To Rest
While you will want to take it easy and rest, you will not want to put yourself on bed rest. You will need to sit up and walk around the house some, as this will help with the healing process. Of course, you will want to avoid doing any strenuous exercise or work, because you do not want to strain yourself.
You May Need Some Pain Medication
Some people are able to only use over the counter pain relief medication and that works for them well. Others might be prescribed a stronger pain relief medication that they can take for the first couple of days that they are home. However, after your first day or two home, you should be able to manage the pain with the over the counter medication. If your pain intensifies over time, you will want to go to the emergency room or return to the surgeon's office for assistance. There could be an infection brewing.
You May Develop More Bruises
You may not have a lot of bruising as you live the surgeon's office or the hospital. However, after a day or two at home, you might start noticing the development of some. This is not something that you will need to be alarmed about, as it is normal. They will soon heal, and you should not have any more problems with the discoloration.
Be Ready For Your Follow-Up
It is normal to have a follow-up appointment within the first week or so after your facelift. This is to make sure that everything is healing properly and that there are no concerns that need to be addressed by the surgeon. Make sure that you are going to be able to make this appointment, whether that means taking a day off of work or finding a family member or friend to drive you if you still happen to be taking the prescription pain medication for some reason.
All you have to do now is get prepared for your recovery at home. The more you prepare, the easier the entire process will be on you.