If you have a few missing teeth, dentures shouldn't be your immediate answer. If your jaw bone is in good health, you don't need to have all of your teeth pulled out just to get your beautiful smile back. Dental implants allow you to have a beautiful smile and replace those few missing teeth. Read on for reasons why you should consider dental implants.
Dental Implants Are A Long-Term Solution
Dental implants are long-lasting and are permanent. Dentures, on the other hand, may need to be replaced throughout their lifetime. They can be easily broken or even lost as you need to take them out at night. Dental implants are permanently implanted into your mouth. You don't need to take them out of your mouth at all. Dental bridges also need to be taken out to be cleaned. Bridges can be damaged easily or even lost.
Dental Implants Are Strong
Dental implants are very similar to your natural teeth. They are not going to break easily or fall out of place when eating things such as corn on the cob or a tough piece of steak. Dental implants will stay in place. Dentures, on the other hand, may get loose and could fall out of place. They can also float while drinking or move when laughing. Dental implants are strong and are not going to move out of place.
Dental Implants Require No Extra Maintenance
Dental implants don't need any extra maintenance other than brushing and flossing just like your natural teeth. There is no need to use a different type of cleaner on your implant or any other type of special treatment. Brush your implant along with the rest of your teeth with your usual toothbrush. Be sure to still see your dentist for routine checkups, exams, and cleanings. No other maintenance is required.
Dental Implants Look Like Your Natural Teeth
Dental implants are going to be made to look like your natural teeth. There is not going to be much of a difference in the implant and your natural teeth. If you are going to have more than one implant, such as a couple of your teeth in the front, you can have them a little whiter than your teeth for improved aesthetic.
If you have missing teeth or need to have some teeth pulled, think about having your teeth replaced with dental implants rather than pulling out more teeth and getting dentures. Talk to your dentist to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants.