Have A Child Diagnosed With MTHFR? Effective Ways To Reduce Stressful During Mealtime

Sometimes, gene mutations are the cause of medical conditions. MTHFR polymorphism is a gene mutation that causes the body to be unable to make methylation and process folate, which can cause many medical conditions. Fortunately, with a proper diagnosis by a geneticist for all of your child's medical and mental health conditions, you can begin the process of making him or her feel better by treating MTHFR polymorphism rather than just the various conditions that led to this diagnosis. 

If your child has recently been diagnosed with MTHFR polymorphism, you are likely feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, particularly if your child is a picky eater since treatment for this gene mutation revolves around getting the proper nutrition and taking supplements. After all, there aren't too many children who enjoy eating spinach, broccoli, and kale. Here are a few ideas to help combat stress when it comes to mealtime. 

Play Soothing Music or Sounds of Nature to Combat Stress 

Studies show that listening to soothing music and the sounds of nature are beneficial in reducing stress. Cortisol is the main stress hormone in your body. Cortisol levels of the subjects of the study were taken before, during, and after listening to soothing music while undergoing psychosocial stress tests. Cortisol levels were shown to return to baseline faster when the test subjects listened to soothing music or the sound of rippling water as opposed to those who didn't listen to anything. Therefore, play stress relief music or sounds of nature while you are preparing meals and while your child is eating to help combat stress that you both feel during meals. 

Ask a Nutrition Coach for Kid-Friendly Recipes 

Since your child's body is unable to make methylation and process folate, you will need to serve foods that contain natural folate or methylfolate, which is the converted and active form of folate. Your child's diet will consist of foods such as green leafy vegetables, lentils, beef liver, kale, spinach, and broccoli. Oh joy, right? 

Also, your child will need to completely avoid folic acid and synthetic forms of folate. But folic acid and folate can be found in so many things, particularly enriched foods, such as cereal and most things with grains, which can definitely add to your stress level as you try to narrow down food choices that won't worsen your child's conditions. Instead of stressing over your grocery shopping and recipe planning, hire a nutrition coach to develop a menu for your child and to teach you how to shop for your child's particular needs. 

For more information, contact a company like Biocognitive Labs.

436 Words

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Treating Osteoarthritis Pain Is your knee stiff and painful every morning when you get out of bed? Perhaps, you sometimes feel a grinding sensation in your knee. If you can relate to this frustrating situation, you might be suffering from osteoarthritis. Thankfully, several treatments are available for this joint condition. Sometimes, physicians recommend patients battling osteoarthritis of the knee take a prescription painkiller. Doctors also often encourage patients to lose weight and start a low-impact exercise program. Swimming and walking are both great forms of low-impact exercise. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to effectively and quickly relieve the painful symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee. Enjoy!




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